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Talent Orientation

Talent Orientation

OMNIVISION’s most valuable resource is its team of employees. The company cares for and protects the rights and interests of every employee, strives to create an engaging, harmonious and positive working environment for employees, gives all employees the opportunity for development, and provides various channels for employees to realize their value, so that every employee can maximize their potential and realize their career goals.

Talent Attraction and Retention

The company realizes the importance of the recruitment and human resource management processes and follows the recruitment principle of “optimum-seeking” to recruit the most suitable talents through diversified channels. Under the same conditions, the company gives priority to the selection of internal employees for openings. The company offers competitive salaries and benefits to its employees, and conducts a variety of team-building activities to create a rewarding working environment.

The company’s objectives for attracting and retaining talent include:

  • Provide competitive total rewards;
  • Provide effective communications to enhance and foster employees’ sense of belonging;
  • Organize team activities to engage and enrich employees’ experience;
  • Maintain a collaborative and innovative working atmosphere to attract and retain talents;
  • Provide comprehensive training to improve employees’ professional skills.
  • The detachment of "Searching for the Chips" study and research team of Integrated Circuits of Tsinghua University, between teachers and students
  • 2021 Best Employer Award in Camera Industry
  • Gym
  • Free Canteen

Employee Health and Safety

The company attaches great importance to work safety management, and adheres to the health and safety policy of “complying with laws and regulations, focusing on prevention, strengthening supervision, talent-oriented, scientific management, and injury prevention”, integrating safety management into production operation management, and has established ISO45001 occupational health and safety management system certified by a third-party company. The company has established a special Employee Health and Safety (EHS) Committee, which is responsible for environmental protection, work safety and occupational health protection.

OMNIVISION has set corresponding objectives in the terms of employee health and safety:

  • Number of major accidents for each BU will be zero.

Targets for 2022/2023:

  1. Number of major accident for each BU will be zero;
  2. Encourage employees’ voluntary participation in health promotion activities year over year;
  3. Continue to arrange employee safety training program with the attendance rate ≥80%;
  4. The correction rate of hazard tracking in safety checks reached 95%.
  • Warning signs for occupational hazards
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Fire drills
  • Medical first aid learning seminar

Business Ethics

The company is committed to creating an ethical and honest work atmosphere and requires employees to adhere to the principles of fairness and impartiality in their work with employees, agents, contractors and consultants to build an ethical and honest business environment.

The company has set corresponding objectives in terms of business ethics:

Targets for 2022/2023:

  1. 100% participation rate of employees in annual business ethics training courses;
  2. 100% completion rate of employees in signing anti-bribery and anti-corruption related agreements;
  3. Zero violation in business ethics.

Target for 2025:

  1. 100% participation rate of employees in annual business ethics training courses;
  2. 100% completion rate of employees in signing anti-bribery and anti-corruption related agreements;
  3. Zero violation in business ethics;
  4. 100% coverage in business ethics audit.

Talent Training and Development

The company always puts its employees first. We establish a sustainable concept of talent development, adhere to the concept of being “talent-oriented”, and regard employee development as an important part of the employee experience. We actively provide comprehensive training and development opportunities for all employees, and promote the development of employees and enterprises.

  • New employee training
  • Leadership training

Employee Diversity and Inclusion

The company encourages and promotes a diverse and inclusive work environment and applies the concept of diversity throughout the entire process of business operations. We are committed to providing equal opportunities in recruitment, training, promotion, transfer and remuneration for our employees regardless of race, color, religion, gender, qualifications, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, etc.

Community contribution and participation

The company has always cared about public welfare and charity, actively and positively undertaking social responsibility to promote sustainable development of enterprises and social inclusion. Our employees at all locations are encouraged to participate in community-based volunteerism and charitable activities, sponsored by the company’s OMNIVISION Acts of Kindness (OAK) program.

  • Visiting disabled children
  • Cooperation with Shanghai Experimental School to carry out "chip knowledge science sharing session"
  • Family Giving Tree, US Headquarters volunteers
  • The Health Trust, US Headquarters volunteers

Human Rights

The company respects and protects human rights, and conducts business in strict compliance with the laws and regulations of the country in which it operates. We prohibit all forms of discrimination and sexual harassment, child labor and forced labor, etc. If any human rights violation happens, the company will promptly conduct investigations and take measures to protect the rights of employees in accordance with local labor laws.

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